We have the following configuration (all on same Sun Ultra server

        Solaris 7 (64-bit kernel)
        Oracle 8.1.7/RMAN (32-bit)
        TSM Server  4.1.2
(new)   TSM BA Client (64-bit)
(new)   TSM API (64-bit)
(new)   TDP Oracle 2.1.10 (32-bit)

We're trying to test RMAN with TDP-Oracle, but are having problems getting
Oracle/RMAN to interact with the TDP-Oracle 2.1.10 (32-bit) Media
Management Library 'libobk.so'.  RMAN fails to recognize 'SBT_TAPE'.

Both Oracle and ADSM-L have posted problem reports on this issue which
identified some Solaris OS patches.  However, all of those patches are
installed and we are still having problems.  These Solaris OS patches are
installed:  106300 106327 106980 106541 107544.  One other mentioned patch 109104 has 
been superseded & is not
installed.  There's a chance that 106980-07 is down-rev vs postings.

Our Oracle admin advised me to install the 32-bit 'libobk.so' library for
compatibility.  I might suspect 32-bit/64-bit compatibility issues, but
'aobpswd' runs successfully, opening a TSM Server (v4.1.2) session of type
'TDP Oracle SUN'.   Isn't that sufficient proof that the TDP-Oracle
library and the TSM API configuration are functioning properly together?
If so, where does the problem (more importantly the resolution) lie?

If you can help me resolve this, rsvp.....thanks

Kent Monthei

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