Another week another problem... Hi Guys!!

I have a DB (shown Below) which I am having trouble with.  The Cache Hit %
was static for months at 98%+, but since the database was rebuilt by a
friendly consultant (nice bloke!) I have been unable to achieve consistant
results above the mid 90's.

The Bufpoolsize parameter has been raised in stages to its current high of
327680 .. this does not appear to be having the desired effect.

Server:         Dual Xeon 700Mhz (Dell 8450) running NT 4.0 SP6a
                TSM V4.1.1.0
                Selftune bufpoolsize is OFF
                DB is spread over 5 files of 1GB on a Fast Raid 5 (R/WB
Cache enabled)

I have two questions for our assembled throng.

1) What do YOU think is a reasonable figure for Bufferpoolsize on NT for a
2.5b DB??
        (I regard 327680 as quite high)

2) What else could be wrong?

Any help will be high appreciated

Many Thanks

Tony Morgan

          Available Space (MB): 5,120
        Assigned Capacity (MB): 5,120
        Maximum Extension (MB): 0
        Maximum Reduction (MB): 2,080
             Page Size (bytes): 4,096
            Total Usable Pages: 1,310,720
                    Used Pages: 676,424
                      Pct Util: 51.6
                 Max. Pct Util: 51.8
              Physical Volumes: 10
             Buffer Pool Pages: 81,920
         Total Buffer Requests: 29,893,741
                Cache Hit Pct.: 93.42
               Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
           Backup in Progress?: No
    Type of Backup In Progress:
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 0.09
            Percentage Changed: 0.00
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 02/11/2002 08:00:16


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