
I am just starting to roll out win clients.  I will use both journalling
and subfile backups.  Every client gets a special schedule that will run once
every 4 weeks to force a non journaled backup and non subfile backup.  Here
is one of the schedules -

def schedule standard late_evening_wxp_nojrnl1a -
             act=incremental -
             opt="-nojournal -subfilebackup=no" -
             startd=02/05/2002 -
             dur=150 startt=23:45 duru=m period=28 -
             peru=d dayofweek=any

Hope this helps,

Bill Colwell

At 05:52 PM 2/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I believe if you delete the /cache subdirectory on the client, it will force
>the next backup to send a new base file.
>Wanda Prather
>The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
>"Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think" -
>Scott Adams/Dilbert
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Luecke, Wolf-Christian (K-DOI-44)
>Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 9:04 AM
>Subject: AW: WG: subfile backup configuration
>Hi Thomas-Anton,
>Thanks for your answer.
>I know the most functionalities of the subfile backup and its
>working-procedures but it would be
>fantasic when you could send me your document. I 'm shure there are some
>decribtions and settings I don 't know.
>We have here a lot of IBM-Teachers and one of them told us, that there is a
>possibility to set the thresholds of the
>subfile backup customized.
>It would be very important for us so define the automaticly new basefiles on
>seperat days, inpedendent of the adaptive
>delta-files. But I think there is no way for us to realize that.
>best regards
>Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>Wolf-Christian Lücke
>Volkswagen AG Wolfsburg
>Storage Management
>Tel.:   05361/9-22124
>E-Fax:  05361/9-57-22124
>E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von:  Thomas Anthon-Kiel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Gesendet am:  Montag, 11. Februar 2002 14:18
>> Betreff:      Re: WG: subfile backup configuration
>> Hi Wolf-Christian,
>> if you have included your .pst files to subfile backup the TSM client is
>> using 
>> the subfile feature in the following way. At the first time TSM is sending
>> the 
>> base file to the server. Afterwards the changes will be send as a delta
>> file by 
>> byte level (1 kB to 3 MB) or block level (3 MB to 2 GB) to the server.
>> This 
>> delta files are used in a differential way. A maximum of 20 delta files
>> can be 
>> made before TSM automatically is generating a new base file (full backup) 
>> again. But if the delta file exceeds 60 percent of the size of the base
>> file a 
>> new base file will be made!!! That means, you have no control about the
>> full 
>> backup!!! This will be made automatically by TSM if one of the above 
>> requirements is true.
>> This is the reason why I didn´t work much with subfile backup.
>> If you need some more detailed informations send me a short mail and I can
>> send 
>> you a document with a more detailed describtion of the subfile process.
>> Many greeting
>> Thomas
>> Zitiere "Luecke, Wolf-Christian (K-DOI-44)" <wolf-
>> > > Hi,
>> > > 
>> > > to backup the pst-files of our nt-servers we use the tsm-software
>> >
>> > > and with that the feature adaptive subfile backup.
>> > > It works quiet well but I want to know how I can set manualy the
>> > boarders,
>> > > when automaticly  
>> > > the adaptive subfile backup changes into a fullbackup.
>> > > The second question is, can I prepare the adaptive subfile backup so,
>> > that
>> > > the next coming fullbackup
>> > > is everytime at the weekend (timestamp)?
>> > > 
>> > > best regards
>> > > 
>> > > Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>> > > 
>> > > Wolf-Christian Lücke
>> > > 
>> > > K-DOI-44
>> > > Volkswagen AG Wolfsburg
>> > > Storage Management
>> > > e-business
>> > > 
>> > > Tel.: 05361/9-22124
>> > > E-Fax:        05361/9-57-22124
>> > > 
>> > > E-Mail:       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > > 
>> > 

Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge Ma.

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