I have problems with the layout of the ftp server

As an example: to find the current Windows client I have to go from rom
the top level to the  directory maintenance/client/v4r2/Windows. To figure
out whether there is a patch for it I have to go the whole way back and
then go down to patches/client/v4r2/Windows. For users it would be much
more convenient to have the the decision between maintenance and patch
below the platform name.

I have an additional wish.  URL
http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/clients.html contains a nice
table with maintenance levels and patches for the various platforms which
allows to download the software directly. However, the ftp links point to
the ftp server in Boulder. There is at least one mirror for the tsm
software in Karlsruhe, Germany. Would it be possible to have the mentioned
table with links pointing to Karlsruhe?

Best regards
Gerhard Rentschler                   email:
Manager Central Servers & Services
Regional Computing Center   tel: ++49/711/6855806
University of Stuttgart                fax: ++49/711/682357
Allmandring 30a
D 70550 Stuttgart

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