Hi All,

I am pretty new to TSM administration and I am still confused about finding
out a tape status. We have had some tapes that have caused I/O errors in our
library and tape drives. I know that some of these tapes were checked out
but do not know how to ensure that they don't contain any needed data
without being able to check them in due to I/O errors. I also have others
that are required for a backup of the tapepool to copypool process (see
below), this is my primary concern to get this resolved.
02/14/2002 08:00:08 ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: BACKUP
STGPOOL tapepool copypool
02/14/2002 08:00:08 ANR1229W Volume 387ACRL1 cannot be backed up - volume is
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed". 02/14/2002 08:00:08
ANR1229W Volume 418ACRL1 cannot be backed up - volume is offline or access
mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
Is there any flow chart or any written process that will take me through
steps for a tape or volume at an unknown state to either destroyed and
replace or reentry if still good but was errored due to a hardware problem,
that includes moving or restoring data that was on that tape. Something

1) q vol 387arcl1 f=d, is tape unavailable or destroyed?, yes goto line 3,
no exit
2) goto exit
3) update volume 387acrl1 access=reado
4) issue command ? ? ?, did system use tape?, yes goto line 2, no it marked
it as unavailable goto line 5
5) do something else
6) do something else
7) checkin libvol lto1 387acrl1, did tape checkin?,yes goto line 8, no ????
8) move data, did data move? yes goto line 9, no, ???
9) checkin libvol lto1 search=yes status=scratch checkl=barcode, did tape
check in corectly?,yes goto line 2, no failed to read barcode goto line ???,
no failed to checkin for other reason ??? go to line 10.
10) destroy or replace tape

This was purely on example, please don't be too hard on me :) This is one of
the hardest hurdles on trying to get a grasp on TSM, any help would be
greatly appreciated.

I have called Tivoli support and have usually received good help on this,
but the process takes so long and usually something happens in between steps
that takes precedence which takes me from the support call and the process
gets lost then I am at an unknown tape state again.

My server is Win2K TSM V. 4.1.30.

Thanks in advanced,
Mark Bertrand

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