I attached my batch file that TSM executes as a schedule.

I do a full backup nightly. It is more data, but when restoring Domino mail it is 300% 
easier. It takes my TSM standard expire trigger (in my case is 7 by default - but you 
can put a different manager class on the NSF files)


-----Original Message-----
From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: TDP Domino

Hello all,
I have some Domino people trying to set up the TDP on their servers so we
can back them up. They seem to be having some trouble getting things to work
automated. They can connect via the GUI and back things up. Since I have
never seen/used it I don't have much knowledge of the product so here are a
few questions.

Does anyone running this have a "best practices" setup?

What do you back up daily?

What do you back up weekly?

How is the TSM server set up to expire old data? Or is it done via the

Do you have any options files I can take a look at?

They are trying to run things in a command file, do you have any sample
files for each of the types of backups you do? I'd like to compare to what
they put together. It seems to be the only thing they have so far and it
looks like it's only backing up archive logs.

Here is what they have:
set dom_dir="c:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\domino"
cd /d %dom_dir%
echo Current date is:>>domarc.log
date /t <NUL >>e:\logs\domarc.log
echo Current time is:>>domarc.log
time /t <NUL >>e:\logs\domarc.log
start /B domdsmc archivelog
/logfile=e:\logs\domasch.log >>e:\logs\domarc.log

They are running TDP on Windows 2000. I have an AIX 4.3.3 TSM server
with the latest baclient and TDP for the Windows Client side.

Thanks for the info in advance.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

Attachment: dsmdomino.opt
Description: dsmdomino.opt

Attachment: lnsched.cmd
Description: lnsched.cmd

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