I understand the requirement, but I doubt many people would use it because
it essentially requires a duplicate copy of your used disk space on each
client that is involved.  Run this select.  It will give you an answer in MB
of the space required to do what you are asking.  You can add where or group
by clauses.

select sum(capacity*pct_util/100) from filespaces

I would bet you have no business case for this as you have asked for it.
And, I would bet more likely than not it is the deleted file (most recent
inactive file) that needs to be recovered.

It would be very difficult to garner any support from Tivoli for this
requirement unless I am missing something.

-----Original Message-----
From: James Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:44 AM
Subject: Idea for a TSM feature

Thought I would throw an idea I had for a TSM feature out on the listserv
and get some thoughts no whether this would be useful or not.

The feature that I would like to see is the ability to create a special disk
storage pool, that would only migrate inactive versions of backup objects to
the next storage pool.  This would keep all the active versions on disk

I'm sure everyone has certain nodes(systems) that are of more importance
than others.  Could be the CEO's desktop filesystem or a critical server.

Fast restore of active versions.
No tape mounts required for restore of active versions.
Fast creation of backupsets.
No tape mounts required for generating Backupsets (Instant Archives)

Higher hardware cost for additional disk storage.

Any thoughts on the matter?

James Thompson

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