If its the same or similiar problem I had in converting from
a 3466-C00 (tsm 3) to a 3466-C01(tsm 4) but using the same 3494/3590s
then its because your system thinks the tapes are ONLY capatible in
READ/ONLY mount modes.

Even though you are mounting a tape for RESTORE if you look closely
you will find the tapes are being mounted R/W.  If the system sees
a tape R/O it will mount it R/O and this bypasses the problem.

The system thinks the tapes were originally written using heads
(B1/E1/whatever) that are write-incompatible with your 'current/new'
(even though the same) drives.

IBM offered the above workaround but I know of no APAR to adddress it
with a fix.   I think TIVOLI doesn't understand IBM's religious belief
in upward compatibility and so TSM 4 doesn't have a bridge from

If I'm right then your works cut out for you.  You have to move data or
reclamate all FILLING tapes and make all FULL tapes READ/ONLY until they
are re-cycled.  that's what I had to do.  SIGH.

                 hope this helps.

            ... joe.f.

Joseph A Faracchio,  Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
 (510)642-7638 (w)  (209)483-JOEF (M)
   2 weeks left!!!

On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, Jason Morgan wrote:

> Earlier I posted a question regarding a migration problem I was having
> while trying  to restore to a 3590 with a tape stacker.
> I was encountering a no drives availabel while trying to restore.
> To overcome this problem, I had to mark the volume as READ ONLY. The
> restore went throught without a hitch.
> Can anyone tell me what TSM does differently on a restore when a tape is
> marked as READ ONLY instead of READ WRITE ?
> I think it has something to do with mount points.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jason

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