just one possibility:
Did you check your dsm.sys for a parameter like TCPCLIENTADDRESS?
This could make the TSM server use the old address.

Best regards,

##########TSM Online Help#############

The tcpclientaddress option specifies a TCP/IP address if your client
has more than one address, and you want the server to contact an address
other than the one that was used to make the first server contact.

Use this option only if you use the prompted parameter with the
option or when the schedule command is running.


>>-TCPCLIENTAddress- client_address----------------------------><


     Specifies the TCP/IP address you want the server to use to contact
     your client node. Specify a TCP/IP Internet domain name or a dot


Options file:


Command line:


     This option is valid only on the initial command line. It is not
     in interactive mode.

PAC Brion Arnaud wrote:
> Hi gurus !
> I'm facing the following problem : we have a client node which IP address has been 
>modified yesterday morning, the machine has then been rebooted, and of course, TSM 
>client restarted. But this morning TSM showed me the scheduled nightly backup for 
>this node as "missed".
> I have a test schedule, that can be started manually, to test a connection between 
>TSM and client node. After having been restarting client once again, I tried to 
>execute this schedule, and this time obtained "missed".
> Ping between client and sever works in both directions, so there is no connection 
>issue. Dsmsched log and error files don't show any problem.
> After several retries, I decided with our network admin to trace IP exchanges 
>between the two machines, and we found that after having been restarting the 
>scheduler, systems where using the new node IP address for some transactions, but at 
>a certain point, TSM tried to use the OLD ip address of the node ! Thus our test 
>schedule fails !
> Could anybody tell me if there is any kind of "buffer" in TSM, that needs a certain 
>time to be flushed before attributing new ip addresses to nodes, or something like 
>this ?
> How does exactly works TSM node - server relation when starting a schedule, is there 
>any kind of explanation ?
> Please help me, I absolutely have no idea of what happens.
> The picture : TSM server v 4.1.3 on aix 4.3.3
>                    TSM node v on aix 4.3.3 , in a DNZ (firewall ports and IP 
>addresses have been verified and are opened)
> Thanks in advance !
> Arnaud
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> | Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group     |
> | Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
> | Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01       |
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Michael Bartl, Dipl. Inform. (FH)           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Backup Services, IT Germany/Austria         Tel: +49-89-92699-806
Cable & Wireless Deutschland GmbH.          Fax: +49-89-92699-302
Landsberger Str. 155, D-80687 Muenchen

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