Check the "audit volume" command.  I do audit volumes on any tape volume
that hasn't been mounted in 60 days, unless of course it is offsite.

Andy Carlson                             |\      _,,,---,,_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
BJC Health System                       |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
St. Louis, Missouri                    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)
Cat Pics:

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Luciano Ariceto wrote:

> Hi
> I would like to know if is possible to check periodically a tape integrity.
> That means a procedure read a little bit of  the tape without use commands
> like restore, retrieve, or movedata.
> TIA !

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