> I have problem with retrieving archives from directory that became to be
> a mount point. I can see my files when I use "QUERY ARCHIVE" command
> like this:

I think the TSM client is parsing your file specification, picking out the
part that would be a file system name under the current configuration, and
asking the TSM server to find the file in the inventory of backups from
that file system. I think you need to use braces to force TSM to use the
file system name that applied when the files were archived. As best I can
tell from your posting, /opt/support was a subdirectory within the /opt
file system when the archive was done, and has since become a file system
in its own right. If that is the case, specifying


should enable the TSM server to find the file. I am fairly sure this was
once documented, but I have been unable to find any reference to this use
of braces in the current manuals. I am surprised that even Tivoli could
think it was improving its documentation by deleting this information or
making it impossible to find.

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