I think I know what is going on here, but I want to double check

I have a manual library, it is used as the migration point for a specific
disk pool.   Basically the disk pool and drive are used for one specific
client that wants dedicated media.

Anyway, TSM  wants a scratch volume, I figure, no problem, I throw in a
blank tape, run dsmlabel, label a tape, it reports success, so I shove the
tape back in the drive.  It is still asking for SCRTCH R/W.  In fact it has
been for the last 100 minutes.

I tried "Label libvolume 4mmlib1 ds3-02 OVERWRITE=Yes" and the console
tells me that the library has no available drives.

Mountlimit is set to DRIVES, maxscratch is like 500 or something.

"select count(*) as num_scratch_tapes from libvolumes where status
='Scratch' " returns 0

Do I need to kill the migration process, then use "Label Libvolume" by any


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