The password key which is located in the registry at
HKLM\software\ibm\adsm\backupclient\nodes\W7\adsm is removed
when the scheduler service is started.  The scheduled log contains:

03/15/2002 18:11:11 Querying server for next scheduled event.
03/15/2002 18:11:11 Node Name: W7
03/15/2002 18:11:11 Please enter your user id <W7>: ANS1029E
                    Communications have been dropped.
03/15/2002 18:11:11 Scheduler has been stopped.

Removing and re-installing the Scheduler Service and TSM (version
did not help.

BACKGROUND: The system was created using a clone disk on which the TSM
installed.  After the disk is cloned, the hostname is changed along with
the sids.  The host then joins the domain. The TSM client is used to
register with the TSM server.  Finally, the TSM scheduler service is created
and it wipes out the password.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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