I have a customer who is currently using TDP for Informix. He tried
to do a restore of his database, and can only restore the most recent
version of his database.  I'm not sure what this error message is that
he is seeing, nor what causes it.  Can you guys provide any help?
Thanks.  :-)

(See customer's note below regarding the error...)

        Guys -

        I tried to restore the production database in our test environment
that we have created and here is what I found out.

        I can use my last back and restore the database just fine.  That is
if the database backup did complete and we did not have any problems.
        I can use any point in time after the last backup was taken and
restore the database just fine.

        Now here is the problem:

        I can not go to my previous backups.  It gives me the BSABAROBJECT
error message.  I only have the box for the next few days and I need your
help.  This is very important because if for some reason our recent backup
is corrupted I can not go back to the old copies. This can pose big problems
in case of disaster and especially TSM being the only backup with no cloning
options.  Any help you can provide hopefully today or tomorrow is greatly
appreciated.  I need to give the current box back to Unix admins.

Holly L. Peppers

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