I tried the same thing on an Oracle database:

select count(*) from sometable
group by hour(sometimestampfield)

I get an 'invalid column name' error.

Functions that operate on fields that have
a type other than 'timestamp' work as
one would expect:

select count(*) from sometable
group by lower(somecharfield)

I don't understand this either but it seems
to be a general SQL restriction and not a
problem with the TSM SQL interface.


Steve Harris wrote:

> Hi All,
> I just realized I can use the summary table to get tape mount stats.  However I 
>can't get my sql to work
> I'm trying
>         select hour(end_time) as "Hour", count(*)
>         from summary
>         where activity= 'TAPE MOUNT'
>                 and date(end_time) = current date - 1 day
>         group by hour(end_time)
> and TSM is complaining about the group by clause.
> ANR2904E Unexpected SQL key word token - 'HOUR'.
>                                                           |
>          .................................................V.............
>          nd date(end_time) =current date - 1 day group by hour(end_time)
> I've also tried 'group by 1' and 'group by "Hour"' but that doesn't work either.
> This is fairly standard SQL, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
> Steve Harris
> AIX and TSM Administrator
> Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
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