yes that is right,  it was looking for DBB when I did the query it
wasn't there!  the manual /scheduled one is using the tapepool or devclass
offsite.  I recreated a DBB devclass and the DB trigger worked.  of course
that doesn't explain where it went!

thanks any idea on the other ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Paschal [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 2:45 PM
> Subject:      Re: database backup problem trigger
> I assume you're talking about dbbackups instead of restores.
> If you do a "query dbbackuptrigger" what DEVclass and INCRDEVclass is it
> set
> to use?  If you do a "query devclass" do those devclasses exist?  What
> devclass is your manual dbbackup using?
> Alex Paschal
> Storage Administrator
> Freightliner, LLC
> (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coviello, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 11:29 AM
> Subject: database backup problem trigger
> HI we had a failure of our TSM server running AIX 4.3.3 and TSM 4.1.3
> one of the errors we are getting is the following:
> ANR4570E Database backup/restore terminated - device class DBB not defined
> this is not happening if we do the scheduled one manually.  this is only
> happening with the database backup trigger.
> the other problem is we can't query the act log from 11:30 this am to 24
> hours ago?  nothing in between!
> any ideas
> thanks
> Paul

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