Hi Gerhard,

stop/start processing of the tape drive - the disk pool does not
stream the data fast enough to cause a continues flow of data - hence
when there has been a stop in the flow of data there needs to be some
kind of re-positioning - to continue writing where the last bit of
data was written.
Normal behavior.


I observed some strange behaviour of a 3590-E1A tape drive. During a
migrate operation from a disk pool to a sequential pool I watched the
operator panel. There I could see that the device after a write operation
did a locate followed by a read and then resumed writing. I observed this
behaviour several times. Is there an explanation for this?
I run TSM 4.1.2 on AIX 4.3.3
Best regards
Gerhard Rentschler                   email:
Manager Central Servers & Services
Regional Computing Center   tel: ++49/711/6855806
University of Stuttgart                fax: ++49/711/682357
Allmandring 30a
D 70550 Stuttgart
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