I am only in the testing phase of clustered NT backups, but I have a few

Is the W2K cluster local to the TSM server ?

Does the TSM server also have a 100Mbit nic ?

Are there any other backups running to the TSM server at the time ?

Is there other LAN traffic at the time of the backup ?

How does CPU utilization on the W2K cluster look during the backups ?

What is the reported Aggregate and Network transfer rates in the W2K TSM
client logs ?

I have seen a significant difference in my transfer speeds for W2K and UNIX.
Unix always seems to be higher. Your numbers show a difference of 2.22 mb
per second. Fairly significant but depending on the above information it may
be within reason. A comparison of other 100mbit W2K systems may you help
find your benchmark.

Duane Ochs
Systems Administration
Quad/Graphics Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: chris rees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 7:56 AM
Subject: windows 2000 cluster backup performance?

Hi all,

Here is an overview of our setup

TSM 4.1.5 server on IBM H80 running AIX 4.3.3
Windows 2000 cluster running active/active config, TSM client 4.2
Cluster is 2 compaq servers, 700MHZ + 512Mb memory.
Backups over 100Mb full duplex backup LAN

Everything appears to be working fine with backups, restores and failovers
within the cluster.  (remarkably easy to set up actually)

Our only problem is the speed of backup we are seeing.  We have managed to
get 12Gb an hour so far with "resourceutilisation" set to 10. Unfortunately
the cluster will eventually have 400Gb+ so any kind of archive and first
time incrementals will take days.
Our UNIX servers using same backup LAN get 20GB+ an hour to the same TSM

What kind of backup performance have other people had with similar setups?
Is 12Gb an hour the norm for a win2k cluster?

Many Thanks

(A unix bod trying to cope with Windows)

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