I try to have TSM 4.2.2, resp. the included ACSLSAPI programs (ssi,
mini_el) talk to a libstation running on OS/390.
No errormessage on startup /usr/tivoli/tsm/devices/bin/rc.acs_ssi, but
lbtest option 51 & 52 just dont give me something usefull back.
The connection to libstation basically works, as I have ssi installed on
another box, driven by another backupproduct, and there it works.
IP connectivity is OK, rpcinfo shows corresponding services registered,
nameresolution works bothways.
Suspicious is, that when I kill the ssi and mini_el, STATUS_QUEUE_FAILURE
message comes up as many times I tried lbtest, and it gives me a remote
internet address of, which obviousely is not really healthy...
Any idea about what apart from the IP adress of the LibStation server I can
Any hint where I can look for the problem?
Anyone running the same config? (TSM on AIX, Libstation on OS/390, STK
...and yup, I am aware that all would be well if I would u$e gresham's

Thanks and have a good day

Gaetano Bisaz

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