> Executing Operating System command or script:
>    c:\commands\domarc.cmd
> 04/18/2002 11:59:06 Finished command.  Return code is:
>    255


There is not enough information here to find out
what is going on.  You didn't show the
contents of "e:\logs\domagent_err.log".
That is the TDP for Domino log file that
may show what failed when running the command.

There are also errors in the command file that you show.

1.) echo Current date is:>>>>e:\logs\domagent_arc
    There should only be two ">>" not four.

2.) echo Current date is:>>>>e:\logs\domagent_arc
    Didn't you mean "e:\logs\domagent_arc.log"?

3.) echo Current time is:>>>>e:\logs\domagent_arc
    There should only be two ">>" not four.

4.) echo Current time is:>>>>e:\logs\domagent_arc
    Didn't you mean "e:\logs\domagent_arc.log"?

5.) start /B domdsmc archivelog
        /logfile=e:\logs\domagent_err.log >>e:\logs\domagent_arc.log
    I am assuming that this line is really all on one line
    in the batch file.  If not, it needs to be.

6.) One small thing I see, which may or may not be
    a problem is that you have "cd /d %dom_dir%",
    but you never actually change to the "C:" drive
    within the batch file... and so if the default
    drive is "D:", this will not work.

I am also wondering if the domdsmc command ran
at all since the output of the command was supposed
to be redirected to "e:\logs\domagent_arc.log".
What you show for that file does not have any
of the normal output from the domdsmc command.
For example, I would at least expect to see
the copyright banner for TDP for Domino.

A good thing to do is to make sure the batch file
runs manually before scheduling it.

I hope this helps.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Leave everything a little better than you found it.
- Smile a lot: it costs nothing and is beyond price.

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