On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 20:11:42 -0500
"Roger Deschner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We are about to (finally) upgrade our server to 4.2, but we have a lot
> of V3.1 clients. Will they continue to work? I sure hope so, because I'd
> like to follow the recommendation in the TSM manuals which is to upgrade
> the server first, and then the clients, however I've heard rumors of
> problems in this area. The client platforms are MS Win32, AIX, Solaris,
> Mac...
> Will the new V5.1 client for Mac OSX work with a V4.2 server?
> Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ======I have not lost my mind -- it is backed up on tape somewhere.=====

We have a lot of 3.1 clients on our 4.2 server, no problems whatsoever...

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam    http://www.sara.nl
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 8008    Fax. +31 20 668 3167

"I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer
industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry
didn't even foresee that the century was going to end." -- Douglas Adams

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