>             We are trying to install the TDP for SQL version 2.2 on to a
> WinNT4 machine running MS-SQL. So far we have the client (version
> installed to catch all the non SQL files. It's set up to be called by the
> TSM server to run and it's doing fine. All the non SQL backups are fine. We
> have the SQL folders set to be excluded.
>             We are now trying to install the SQL part now and it does not
> want to play nice. We loaded version and we have gotten it working
> to point where we can do a SQL backup from the command line and from within
> the GUI. We can't get it run when it's called from the TSM server.
>             The programs are all installed to the default locations and I
> ran the dsmcutil install command from the baclient folder to create a new
> scheduler service for the SQL part. I referred it to the dsm file in the
> tdpsql folder just like the docs said. I've got a schedule on the TSM server
> set to kick off at a certain time but nothing happens.
>             I've looked at the assorted log files nothing shows up.
>             If I run "tdpsqlc backup * full" it runs just fine. Am I missing
> something here? Do I need to call the sqlfull.cmd from one of the dsm.opt
> files?

Do the dsm.opt files for the two scheduler services specify different node
names? As far as I know, that is the only way to have one TSM server send
interleaved requests to two scheduler services on the same client system.

Does the schedule definition specify 'action=command', and specify the full
path to the tdpsqlc command in the 'object' parameter?

Is the sqldsmc.exe file somewhere under the 'Program Files' directory? If
so, the schedule definition will need double quotes around the path to
get Windows to treat the embedded space in 'Program Files' correctly. If
the schedule is defined from an administrative command line session, the
'define' command will need double quotes within single quotes. The single
quotes will get the TSM server to accept the embedded blanks and double
quotes as part of the command, and the double quotes will get Windows to
accept the embedded blank in the path.

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