All AIX 433 TSM server 4.1.3 client

I put together a script to do a full archive of our production servers and
am testing currently on a development box/client. The intent of the script
is to archive all JFS file systems less the root FS.


chmod 755 /tmp/FS
> /tmp/FS

df -k | grep "/dev" | egrep -v "hd4" | awk '{print $7}' > /tmp/FS

cat /tmp/FS |

                read -r SLICE

dsmc archive -archmc=14periods -subdir=yes -quiet "${SLICE}/"
These are my actual file systems & the output of the file "FS" created
above; results are as expected:

dev: /usr/local/bin->  df
Filesystem    512-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4           32768      7912   76%     2016    25% /
/dev/hd2         3211264    748848   77%    36615    10% /usr
/dev/hd9var       344064    197880   43%      535     2% /var
/dev/hd3         1671168    322912   81%      585     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1         2048000    518256   75%    16058     7% /home
/dev/local        819200    341048   59%     5261     5% /usr/local
/dev/informix    1015808    354704   66%     2109     2% /usr/informix
/dev/afc         1310720    666480   50%     1969     2% /afc
/dev/bmc          557056     93392   84%      827     2% /usr/bmc
/dev/maestrolv     393216    131616   67%     4314     9% /usr/lpp/maestro
/dev/webapps      786432    573184   28%      820     1% /webapps
/dev/psoft       1966080   1457584   26%      702     1% /usr/psoft
/dev/hr751       2097152   1686632   20%     4081     2% /usr/psoft/hr751

dev: /tmp->  cat FS

Problem is, I have only archived about 1.3 gigs in 3 hours and I checked
the network and ethernet interfaces and there are no significant errors.
This performance is miserable... noticed while monitoring the session from
the server that there are very high idle times; nothing else going on on
the server (no processes). Any help/hints would be appreciated!

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

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