Hi everyone.

We have recently been trying to use dsmcad on our SGI clients to handle
launching the dsmc sched process.

This works ok except that the dsmcad process echos all messages to the
client's console so that we get all the messages coming from the scheduler
displayed on the console. This output literally drowns out all the other
console messages.

When we start dsmcad we use the following command to redirect its output...
/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad  1>/dev/null 2>&1

We have the following entries in our dsm.sys....
          SCHEDLOGname           /var/adm/adsm/dsmsched.log
     Managedservices         webclient schedule

The  /var/adm/adsm/dsmsched.log is written to each day with the output of
the scheduler (which is desirable).
We also get output from dsmcad in dsmwebcl.log.

Is there any way to stop the dsmcad process from writing to /dev/console??

Our setup:
TSM client v4.1.2.99/v4.2.0.0 for SGI
IRIX 6.5

Thanks in advance for your help

Robert Dowsett

IS Partner, Norsk Hydro

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