Hi all,

I did some poking around the list and didn't see anything on the subject.

Does anybody have a good method for doing Monthly and Yearly backups of an R3 (oracle) 
database using the TDP for R3? I have a requirement to maintain daily backups for 2 
weeks, monthly backups for 3 months and yearly backups for 7 years.   Superficially, 
It appears to be straightforward to set up different server stanzas within the TDP 
profile for different days of the week, but that's it.

I suspect that I could get extra fancy and write a script to do a flip of the profile 
to an alternate profile file on the appropriate days, and have it flip back when it's 
done, but that seems like a bit of a band-aid to me and I'm wondering if anyone's come 
up with something better?



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