Hi Kent, we have a Celerra file server for our NT LAN and it works
wonderfully.  We replaced 11 OS2 servers and have 4000 users, 500gb of
storage that we migrated to NT4 on the Celerra(so it was a double
conversion).  The failover works as advertised, just make sure you have
failsafe networking enabled.   It has solved many issues of the NT
environment such as mapping the users, servers failing, maintenance issues
etc.  But most of all it is reliable and  service interruptions are no
longer attributed to the servers as we have had no Celerra failures since
the first week and those two were an initial  parm issue and human error.
We also wanted quotas at the directory level and that is now coming.
Support has been splendid.

While there are many third party software products that do not work with
NAS in general our major drawback is with TSM,  NDMP is not supported for
Celerra that I know of.  We have had a couple of instances where
....directories show up and that usually means we have to run the Celerra
cleanup utilities and sometime add space as we have gone over the limit of
85% allocated this has caused TSM to loop.    We also have seen TSM
suddenly go into full backup mode for no reason, it seems this may occur if
the service is knocked down or the client loses communication with the
server during the backup.  Also, TSM journalling is not supported for
network attached drives and we were depending on this to speed up the
backup of 3million files.  We have now broken the file systems down into
multiple nodes and are using a 4.2 client with a 4.1 Server on OS390, but
we need to break it down into more nodes to get still better backup times,
but it now seems to be stable,  EMC tells us that the TSM issues except
NDMP are fixed.  We are not prepared at this time to change our
infrastructure and backup to an AIX box with fibre tape.

Celerra has new backup capablity such as SNAPSURE and Concurrent Backup
that you could investigate.  Also there is COMMVAULT from Galaxy software
that is integrated with Celerra, and there is also EMC's TIMEFINDER which
will give you a tactical mirror for restore and a copy to backup from.
EMC's SRDF for remote copy is of course the defacto DR product when you
have a SYMM.

You have a large implementation and I would be interested in what you find
works as your backup/recovery solution.


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