Given an environment where you pretty much have constant backups occurring
to your TSM server 24x7 (say every 2 hours) and thus to your primary pools,
how does this affect copying the data to a copypool?

i.e. if my TSM server is currently accepting backups from one or more
clients and that data is initially going to my diskpool (migrated to tape as
the diskpool fills) - now suddenly I kick off a backup stgpool to a copypool
from that diskpool. With files continuously coming into the diskpool will
that be a problem for my copypool? I understand that perhaps I may miss some
of those incoming files and that's a potential issue but it doesn't concern
me so long as they're caught in my next backup stgpool command. I'm just
thinking out loud what potential problems if any there are with doing a
backup stgpool from a primary pool that is currently receiving files.
Offhand I can't think of any other then hitting the disks a little harder
and maybe not catching some of those incoming files.. also I suppose if your
offsite pool has collocation enabled there might be some interesting
mounting/dismounting happening.

Gerald Wichmann
Sr. Systems Development Engineer
Zantaz, Inc.
925.598.3099 w
408.836.9062 c

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