Hi All -

I believe I have my management classes all defined with a major flaw.  We
do scheduled modified backups during the week and scheduled absolute
backups on Sundays.  I have two management classes defined.  Both have the
same retentions coded but one has "absolute" for the copy mode and one has
"modified" coded.  I have a script that swaps the default management class
on Sundays.  After rereading the manual and looking at the archives of this
list, it seems there's no guarantee that the backup will use the default
Management class.  Also, if I've specified to keep 30 versions of the data
in both management classes, does that mean I'm going to retain 30 versions
from the "absolute" and 30 versions of the "modified"?  I really want 30
versions all together.

My thought is to create multiply policy sets, and activate the policy set
that contains only the management class I want.  I would then specify a
retention of 4 versions for my policy set that contains the management
class for "absolute".  This won't delete any of my 30 versions that were
saved using the policy set that contains the "modified" management class,
will it?  Does this make sense, or am I still way off here?


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