make sure and upd all your tape storage pools to "recl=100" so no
reclamation will run
also remember that migration & reclamation, etc... will wait until it has
finished processing its current file.

# purge all processes and look for still used tape mounts
dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah q pro 1>/dev/null 2>&1
while [ $? -eq 0 ]
for TSMPROCESS in $(dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah q pro | grep ^.......[0-9] |
cut -c1-8 | sed /,/s/// )
        dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah can pro $TSMPROCESS
sleep 60
dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah q pro 1>/dev/null 2>&1
dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah q mount | grep 'IN USE' 1>/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
        echo not all drives idle
        exit 1
exit 0

This should cancel the processes and exit within a minute of their
and notify you if something other than a process is using a tape drive,
like another backup or a restore...

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suit 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

-----Original Message-----
From: MC Matt Cooper (2838) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 9:59 AM
Subject: need script to stop all PROCESS's

Hello all,
        I have a need to clear all active processes so I can run a large
backup straight to tape.  It is a DB2 data warehouse  so the only decent way
to do this is 5 session to the 5 tape drives.  However, the data warehouse
backup is initiatated by an out side scheduler so there are occasions where
there still are some active Processes running.   I want to have a  script to
stop all the processes but I do not know the PROCESS NUMBERS.  So I was
wondering if anyone had a script that can stop all the active processes.
Thanks in advance

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