Problem Description:
 Backup images generated by a TSM V5.1.0 client to a TSM V5.1.0 server
 be restored after they have been exported, then imported.

Users Affected:
 Customers running TSM V5.1.0 clients and TSM V5.1.0 servers.

 The problem is fixed by APAR IC33533 in the next 5.1.0 TSM server PTF.
 Apply the PTF when it becomes available.

Problem Summary:
 1) a customer generates a backup image using a TSM V5.1.0 client to a TSM
    V5.1.0 server
 2) a server administrator performs an export which includes the backup
    image as data
 3) the exported data is imported
 4) any attempt by the client to restore the imported image will fail

 - export, import and successful restore is available for all other
   objects including images created by TSM V4 clients
 - export/import of V5.1.0 client backup images to TSM servers versioned
   less than v5.1.0 is not supported
 - there is no circumvention for this problem

 Information required to restore a TSM V5.1.0 backup image has been
 by the TSM V5.1.0 server at export time.  Since the information was not
 exported, it is not available when the backup image is imported.  As a
 result, the backup image cannot be restored by the client.

 The fix for IC33533 causes the necessary information to be exported along
 with the data.  Thus the information will be available when the backup
 image is imported, allowing the client to restore the backup image

 APAR IC33533 has been opened for the TSM Windows Server.  It contains
 sysroutes for all affected platforms and levels.

Sam Giallanza

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