I have checked in/out  and re-labeled these tapes 3-4 times, no message

Does anyone know what this means and how to resolve?

05/13/02   16:40:43  ANR0197E Removal of extraneous database entries for
                       D03071 failed due to contention with other server
                      processes or activities.
05/13/02   16:40:43  ANR0197E Removal of extraneous database entries for
                       D03072 failed due to contention with other server
                      processes or activities.
05/13/02   17:03:43  ANR2017I Administrator WILEYG issued command: QUERY
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel) c
Output to screen cancelled.  Please wait for the 'tsm>' prompt.
tsm: >help ANR0197E
ANR2307E No help text could be found for this message: ANR0197E.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

AIX 4.3.3 ML9+  TSM

Am I going to have to audit 3K volumes?


Gabriel C. Wiley
ADSM/TSM Administrator
AIX Support
Phone 1-614-308-6709
Pager  1-877-489-2867
Fax      1-614-308-6637
Cell       1-740-972-6441

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