Good day all,

Somewhere I had documented an mtlib command that could be used to query
information about the drives attached to the system. With the changeover of
TSM servers it's hard to figure out what drive is what. I have identified a
few by looking in the side door of the 3494 when a tape got mounted.
Unfortunately I'll never be able to do this with the rest and have misplaced
my mtlib commands.

Can anyone send me the command gives info about the drive itself, as in
serial number, so I can match rmt(whatever) to it. All I can find is mtlib
-l /dev/lmcp0 -qD -f/dev/rmt6, and this one doesn't do it for me. I've got a
bad drive and need to locate it this way.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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