I'm not prepared to post our scripts yet but will tell you some of the
things that we run daily:

Report on failed client schedules
- q event * * enddate=today begintime=NOW-23:59 endtime=NOW f=d
        - filter and report on anything other than "completed"

Report on Client errors (mostly failed files)
- select MESSAGE,DOMAINNAME,NODENAME,DATE_TIME from actlog where -
(date_time>current_timestamp - 1 days and originator='CLIENT' AND

- Report on file spaces not backed up in over x days
q fi f=d
        - filter and report on specific nodes and days, depending on
complexity could be easier done with SQL

- Report on all server error messags and some warning messages reported over
last 24 hours
        - we just do a q actlog then filter for specific messages
        - we stated with all error messages then slowly filtered out ones we
didn't want
        - we started with no warning\informational and then slowly added
ones we wanted
        - this might be easier with sql but we are using a perl script!

- we also run an online error monitor that emails, net sends, or pages us on
various errors throughout the day

- Daily\weekly processing report
        - client report from accounting log, reports on gb, transfer rate,
media wait ... for backup/restore, archive/retrieve

- TSM Health Check every 5 minutes - email and page if TSM is down

- TSM System check - checks for things like DB > %utilization, # of scratch
tapes, stgpool > %, db and log volumes synched, db cache hit > 98%, log < %,
disk volumes all online and available, no tapes in error state or specific
ones in read only that should not be, cleaning cart close to no uses ....

- report of tapes not written to in over x amount of time (we then reclaim

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

-----Original Message-----
From: Joni Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 11:33 AM
Subject: SQL/scripts


I don't have a reporting package and I was wondering if any on you could
tell me some useful scripts that you run on a daily basis?  Thanks!!!

Joni Moyer
Associate Systems Programmer

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