On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 10:59:48 -0500
"Roger Deschner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've actually been thinking about this for a while. All I can come up
> with is that WDSF/ADSM/TSM is a "pretty good relational database
> management system" with backup features bolted on.
>From everything you see when using the TSM server, you'll know it's not a relational 
>database. It may look like one, but as far as I can see, it's more an object 
>database, very good at storing and retrieving objects, not very good at calculating 

> So, if you can explain to your students the database tables that
> comprise TSM, you've about explained everything other than what's
> covered in a generic text on relational database systems. There's not
> much else to TSM other than those tables in a DBMS, with some device
> drivers, user interfaces, timers, and such wrapped around it.

> You don't have to look very deeply under the covers to see this. Once
> you get used to the SQL-style SELECT command in the TSM Administrator
> session, you will see that most of the QUERY commands are really just
> pretty wrappings around SELECT. Those drop-jawed database gurus are
> useful to me for assistance in writing complex SELECT statements that I
> need sometimes, or I just enter them straight out of "SQL For Dummies".
> What is amazing is that it all just works. TSM really is just a
> garden-variety SQL-driven relational DBMS that has been utilized to do
> backups, by defining appropriate tables and adding device drivers.
Auch, have you ever done a join in a select statment in TSM? Noticed how slow it was? 
That was becase the select statments are an add-on, while the query statements are 
more 'native' to the database in use. that is why te query's can't select on just any 
property of an item, it has to be part of the key...

> Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ======I have not lost my mind -- it is backed up on tape somewhere.=====
> On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Justin Bleistein wrote:
> >I'm planning on taking over classes at a local community college teaching
> >classes about Unix operating system design, teaching the super block
> >design, inode assignment design, system calls, file descriptor table
> >designs etc. I want to try to put together a TSM internals design
> >curriculum as well and I was wondering does anyone know of any books or
> >online documentation which explains the design of TSM from an internals
> >perspective? Is there any documentation for geeks like us?. Any suggestions
> >would be appreciated thanks! The best I can do right now is explain the
> >different database tables. I'm looking for something more in depth. Like
> >what the "dsmfmt" command is actually doing, under the covers. thanks!
> >
> >--Justin Richard Bleistein
> >

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam    http://www.sara.nl
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