I've got a small test environment toverify base funtionality -- but I really
cannot stress-test in the test environment, so all I can determine is that
my batch scripts work and that I can backup/restore and archive/retrieve,
and get to previously archived/backed up data.

And then I've a 12-hour window on Saturdays I can slam-dunk in. Once I've
got a production system archived or backed up, I've got no way to back out
to the previous server. I am *not* permitted to discard data.

So I live in fear the first week or so on each new server upgrade, and
that's why I wait until there's a version that other people are *not*
reporting problems on before changing. I'd much rather run something that's
no longer supported than something that won't stay up but is supported.
Especially since I can count my support calls on the fingers of one hand and
have fingers left over for any given year.

Tom Kauffman

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 12:56 AM
> Subject: Do you lob it on or do you fully test before that
> next release?
> After seeing all the pain everyone is experiencing going from 4.2.2 to
> 5.1.1.  I thought I would ask this question to see what
> everyone is doing.
> We intend to create an entire environment to test the upgrade
> with and then
> actually perform it.
> What is everyone else doing?
> What is your server platform?
> How are you handling the SAN client incompatibility issues?
> Paul D. Seay, Jr.
> Technical Specialist
> Naptheon, INC
> 757-688-8180

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