I have problems when trying to execute a Query Client Events.
The error messages are the following ones.

19/06/02   11:34:02  ANR2958E SQL temporary table storage has been
19/06/02   11:34:02  ANR9999D hthtml.c(2837): Error 2 received from
19/06/02   11:34:02  ANR2032E HTML: Command failed - internal server error

Server Error
Interface error encountered in the Hypertext Engine (hthtml.c,2837).
ANR2032E HTML: Command failed - internal server error detected.

Query database

tsm: BSMTSM04>q db f=d

          Available Space (MB): 2.500
        Assigned Capacity (MB): 2.500
        Maximum Extension (MB): 0
        Maximum Reduction (MB): 0
             Page Size (bytes): 4.096
            Total Usable Pages: 640.000
                    Used Pages: 218.454
                      Pct Util: 34,1
                 Max. Pct Util: 34,1
              Physical Volumes: 5
             Buffer Pool Pages: 512
         Total Buffer Requests: 49.646
                Cache Hit Pct.: 95,50
               Cache Wait Pct.: 0,00
           Backup in Progress?: No
    Type of Backup In Progress:
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 83,78
            Percentage Changed: 9,82
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 18/06/02   16:35:29

Query log

tsm: BSMTSM04>q log f=d

       Available Space (MB): 840
     Assigned Capacity (MB): 840
     Maximum Extension (MB): 0
     Maximum Reduction (MB): 832
          Page Size (bytes): 4.096
         Total Usable Pages: 214.528
                 Used Pages: 290
                   Pct Util: 0,1
              Max. Pct Util: 0,2
           Physical Volumes: 3
             Log Pool Pages: 128
         Log Pool Pct. Util: 0,81
         Log Pool Pct. Wait: 0,00
Cumulative Consumption (MB): 39.051,00
Consumption Reset Date/Time: 13/06/01   18:21:23

Filesytem the server

{BSMTSM04:>/}% df -k
Filesystem    1024-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4            65536     23528   65%     4177    13% /
/dev/hd2          4128768    864216   80%    65564     7% /usr
/dev/hd9var         32768     27576   16%      241     3% /var
/dev/hd3            32768     29020   12%       39     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1            32768     31624    4%       48     1% /home
/dev/lv01        17629184         0  100%       26     1% /tsmdata1
/dev/lv00        14548992         0  100%       24     1% /tsmdata
/dev/lv03        12025856         0  100%       23     1% /tsmdata2
/dev/lv02         3014656      1764  100%       24     1% /tsmdb

Does the problem pretend to be in the temporary tables, How can I liberate
this space?
your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Carlos R. Bravo Arredondo
Tel. (52) 5551741924

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