
reading a recent post on why people love tsm vs networker brought back a
lot of memories. Most of the great, but one that I just can't forgive.
There STILL appears (6 years after I broached the subject with the adsm
developers) to be no way to monitor in real-time what each of the tape
drives in the library is actually doing...

For example on Networker (And I know it's awful, I hate it as much as
the next geek who isn't enamoured by fancy GUI's etc) you can see
exactly what each drive is doing, AND HOW FAST IT'S DOING IT! Writing at
3.5MB/sec! Great. It's working fine. On tsm? Well there's manual mental
arithmetic and query proc if you feel brave...

Any chance I'm mistaken & the developers have actually fixed this
shortfall? Or at leats implemented a kernel table in their device
drivers so you can see the device stats like you can for hdisks?




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