Perhaps, I wasn't clear enough in a previous message.
My organization is planning a rollout of Windows XP
and would like to take advantage of its multi-user
capabilities. (do I hear laughter??).

Attached are some screen dumps of the BA GUI and the
prospective file layout should be apparent. In a
perfect world, the data directories, (Data, Documents
and Settings), will be backed up incrementally each
day using the central scheduling service. Additionally
each user should be able to backup and restore his
files and his files only. Can this be achieved and, if
so, how?

>From the feedback I've already received, it seems that
from a practical viewpoint, this scheme might be
unrealistic to implement - (multiple dsm.opts, use of
nodename parameter, licensing issues, etc.).

Other implementations could be acceptable if these
basic requirements are respected:

(1) Data is backed up by somebody/anybody daily
(2) Individual useres can back up and restore their
own data and, perhaps, other users'data as well.

My current situation in the lab is as such:

The administrator can backup and restore any file he
so desires. John Smith, can run dsm.exe but cannot
see, let alone, backup any subdirectories under:

Distributed File System

John Smith can, however, backup entries under System
Object such COM+ DB, Event Log, Registry, System Files
and WMI.

Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

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