
Last weekend we had a problem with DB capacity as follow :

ANR0362W Database usage exceeds 98 % of its assigned capacity.     
ANR0131E dftxn.c838: Server DB space exhausted. 
ANR1181E dftxn.c200: Data storage transaction 0:424803852 was aborted.

After this, the TSM server "frozen"  and we expanded de DB

ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: DEFINE DBVOLUME 
f:\tivoli\db\db05.tsm FORMATSIZE=1000 WAIT=NO   ANR0984I Process 14 for 
DEFINE DBVOLUME started in the BACKGROUND at 04:57:46.  
ANR2491I Volume Creation Process starting for f:\tivoli\-db\db05.tsm, 
Process Id 14. 
ANR2240I Database volume F:\TIVOLI\DB\DB05.TSM defined. 
ANR0986I Process 14 for DEFINE DBVOLUME running in the BACKGROUND 
processed 1 items for a total of 1,049,624,576 bytes with a completion 
state of SUCCESS at 04:57:47.

But so far when I type the Q DB command, the information about occupancy 
is 93.2 %. What can I do to reduce this occupancy  I havenīt experience in 
DB Adm.

Thanks a lot...


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