On 31-Jul-02 Todd Lundstedt wrote:
> Expiration is working fine.  It starts every morning at 5 AM, and runs for
> about 30-40 minutes.
> *********
> ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process 295 completed:
>  examined 944182 objects, deleting 37102 backup objects, 0
>  archive objects, 0 DB backup volumes, and 0 recovery plan
>  files. 0 errors were encountered
> *********
> Does this mean I only have 944,182 objects being managed by the database?

  No, this means that you had 944,182 inactive objects.

> If so, it sounds like I do have something bloating my database.  If Thomas
> D. can get primary and copy pool backups for 4.8 million + files in a 10GB
> database, and my 8GB database is filled nearly 70% utilized with less than
> a million objects, something is wrong somewhere.

  Try a "select sum(num_files) as "File Count" from occupancy" and you know
  exactly how many object you have.
  My guess is you have 17230769 objects....well, between 16 an 17 million...

  Henk ten Have.

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