Here is a batch file from an intersting little batch programming help site I

:: Here's NT code that puts something like
:: 03/17/2002
:: into the DATE environment variable
@echo off
echo.|date|find "current" >t#e.bat
echo set date=%%5> the.bat
call t#e.bat
del t?e.bat > nul
:: Thanks to Joseph P. Hayes

:: Here's a one-line NT command (but a LONG line!)
:: one that splits all the date parts out, putting
:: each one into it's own variable (weekday, date, month, year)
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set weekday=%%a& set
date=%%b& set month=%%c& set year=%%d)

Rob Hefty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/31/2002 01:15:19 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Joseph Pendergast/Corona/Watson)

Subject:  Help on a TSM bat file for NT

Hello All,

I am attempting to create a bat file that will automate an archive for some
data on the NT/Win2k platform.  What I am having difficulty with is passing
the date variable into the description.  So far I have:

set date/t=dates
 Cd D:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\
dsmc Archive -archmc=36-MONTH-ARCHIVE -desc="Freight Archives for Monthend
Prior to: %dates%" D:\temp\test\*
pause 5

When it completes it runs the archive fine only the description is lacking a
date stamp.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Rob Hefty
IS Operations
Lab Safety Supply

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