Server: TSM, AIX 4.3.3, two fiber gigabit ethernet cards, each
accessing disk and tape (I know, this is bad, but it shouldn't impact this
Client: W2K, 4 processors (around 900mhz, I think), just over 3GB of
physical memory, TSM B/A client, TSPSQL 2.2, Storage agent, three fiber gigabit ethernet cards (qLogic), one for disk, two for
tape access.
SAN: Shark ESS
Node setup has 4 mountpoints allowed.
Fiber Network: dual Brocade 2109 fiber switches.
Library IBM 3584 with five LTO Ultrium fiber connected drives (three
connected to one switch, two to the other switch).
Utility used to measure speed during backups: qLogic Sanblade Manager.

Backing up a 33GB SQL database located on the Shark to one tape, I can get
about 28-30 MB/second.  Backing up the same database striped to two tapes,
I would get about 31 MB/second.  I had the DB admin spread the three files
in the database over three of the four different available drive letters
(actually on 2 different packs on the ESS Shark).  That made my two-stripe
backup in the 36-37MB/second range (single stripe backups are still in the
28-30MB/second range).  I am looking to find a way to get somewhere near
the 50-60MB/s range for a backup.  It doesn't make sense to stripe a backup
when you are only getting a 20% increase in throughput (and this works out
to less than a 20% decrease in time for the backup because of the storage
agent mounting tapes, locating last files, etc, one tape at a time).  I am
doing testing in preparation for a 500GB database.

I did some tests with very large files on each of the four drive letters,
simultaneously copying the large files to >nul (using four different
command line prompts), to get a benchmark of data throughput on the disk
fiber card.  The max sustained throughput (based on the qLogic monitor) was
~66MB/second.  Most of the time, the rate hovered in the 45-55 MB/second
range.  CPU utilization on the client node during a 2-stripe backup is
around 85-95%, and during a single-stripe backup, it is around 35-45% (on
all four processors).

Can anyone suggest some things to check that might impact this?

On another note, the backups are not completing as of my last two-stripe
test.  I am working with Tivoli support regarding this problem.  Backups
with a single stripe are working.

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