Currently we are using the TSM scheduler service to drive the client
backups.  But, the direction of our company is to use ESP (scheduling
package) to drive the backups and all TSM maintenance events (DB backups,
reclamation, storage pool backups etc.).

Our NT group will be responsible for the client backups.  The problem they
are having is trapping error codes from the backup client.  What I am
looking for is some code that traps the return code from the client, which
can be used by ESP to determine if the backup completed successfully or
not.  For example, on our AIX clients, we allow a return code of 0 or 4.
The 0 or 4 is returned to the ESP task, and ESP compeletes the job as
normal.  If the return code is anything else, ESP treats it as an abend,
and notification begins.

Thanks for any information!!

Michael Moore
VF Services Inc.
121 Smith Street
Greensboro,  NC  27420-1488

Voice: 336-332-4423
Fax: 336-332-4544

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