I've just received the following from TSM Support:

 After going through the code and confirming with development, the reference
made in the Redbook is invalid.  The original prototype for subfile backup
had the limitation of 20 subfile backups before a new full ("base") backup
was taken, but when subfile backup was implemented for general release, the
20-subfile backup limit was removed. The behavior the customer is seeing is
correct.  The information in the redbook must have been based on the
prototype description, which is now obsolete.  This is a case that
demonstrates why Support does not officially support information documented
in Redbooks, as the information contained in them can be incorrect or out of
date.  TSM does not have a limit for the number of subfiles that can be sent
prior to a new base file being backed-up.  .  Regards,

- - - -

ADSM/TSM Support Team

 Forum:   ADSM.ORG - ADSM / TSM Mailing List Archive
 Date:      May 28, 11:41
 From:      Rushforth, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The IBM Redbook - TSM 3.7.3 & 4.1 Technical guide - states "delta file
backup can occur up to 20 times before a new base file backup occurs again."

Can anyone confirm if this is still true?

I'm running client on W2K, Server on W2K.

I've setup a separate schedule to backup my outlook pst file using sub-file
backup. I'm tracking the amount of data sent every day.  I'm up to what
appears to be delta version 26.  Each delta version gets a little bigger (My
PST is 200 MB, first subfile was 7 MB, I'm now at 40 MB).  The base file in
my client cache directory has a modified date of April 24, 2002 - the first
day I started this.

My PST file was backed up 4 times outside of this special schedule so I
cannot confirm how much data was sent those 4 times (Outlook was left open,
PST was modified and backed up as part of regular schedule).  But if a new
base file backup had occurred then I'm assuming the modified date of the
base file in my client cache directory should have changed.  Also the delta
files after a new base backup should have reverted back to a smaller amount
of changed data - all of mine show a minor growth each day.

On another note, is there anyway to determine the space savings using
subfile backup?


Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

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