Got a user doing TDP for Domino backups...................

The following is a snippet from her DOMISCH.LOG

Full: 3   Read: 149946368  Written: 146800640  Rate: 482.65 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 150994944  Written: 147849216  Rate: 484.47 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 150994944  Written: 147849216  Rate: 482.85 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 150994944  Written: 147849216  Rate: 481.24 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 150994944  Written: 147849216  Rate: 479.64 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 150994944  Written: 147849216  Rate: 478.05 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 150994944  Written: 147849216  Rate: 476.48 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 150994944  Written: 147849216  Rate: 474.91 Kb/Sec
Waiting for TSM server....
Full: 3   Read: 152043520  Written: 148897792  Rate: 473.60 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 152043520  Written: 148897792  Rate: 472.07 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 152043520  Written: 148897792  Rate: 470.54 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 152043520  Written: 148897792  Rate: 469.02 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 152043520  Written: 148897792  Rate: 467.51 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 152043520  Written: 148897792  Rate: 466.01 Kb/Sec
Full: 3   Read: 152043520  Written: 148897792  Rate: 464.53 Kb/Sec
Waiting for TSM server......

We are wondering, why the "Waiting" messges ?   What is it waiting for ?

The TSM server is 5.1.1 on AIX 4.3.  It is dedicated to TSM. I checked and
nothing was running at this time. No other sessions were active.

FWIW, these backups go DIRECTLY to 3590E1A FC SAN attached tapes.  The
client connection is a GIG-e card on a private internal subnet.

They are still running NT 4.0. I realize this is an issue when it comes to
the TCPIP settings/limitations of this platform.

Any performance options I can tweak on the server or client side?

Here are my current server options:

Server Option      Option Setting        Server Option      Option Setting

-----------------  --------------------  -----------------
CommTimeOut        300                   IdleTimeOut        15
BufPoolSize        2048                  LogPoolSize        512
MessageFormat      1                     Language           en_US
MaxSessions        25                    ExpInterval        24
ExpQuiet           No                    EventServer        Yes
MirrorRead DB      Normal                MirrorRead LOG     Normal
MirrorWrite DB     Sequential            MirrorWrite LOG    Parallel
VolumeHistory      /usr/tivoli/tsm/ser-  Devconfig /usr/tivoli/tsm/ser-
                    ver/bin/volume_his- ver/bin/devconfig
TxnGroupMax        40                    MoveBatchSize      40
MoveSizeThresh     500                   StatusMsgCnt       10
RestoreInterval    1,440                 UseLargeBuffers    Yes
DisableScheds      No                    NOBUFPREfetch      No
AuditStorage       Yes                   REQSYSauthoutfile  Yes
SELFTUNEBUFpools-  Yes                   SELFTUNETXNsize    Yes
DBPAGEShadow       No                    DBPAGESHADOWFile   dbpgshdw.bdt

QueryAuth          None                  LogWarnFullPerCe-  90
ThroughPutDataTh-  0                     ThroughPutTimeTh-  0
 reshold                                  reshold
NOPREEMPT          ( No )                Resource Timeout   60
TCPPort            1500                  HTTPPort           1580
TCPWindowsize      0                     TCPBufsize         16384
TCPNoDelay         No                    CommMethod         TCPIP
CommMethod         ShMem                 CommMethod         HTTP
MsgInterval        1                     Enable3590Library  Yes
ShmPort            1510                  FileExit
UserExit                                 FileTextExit
AssistVCRRecovery  Yes                   AcsAccessId
AcsTimeoutX        1                     AcsLockDrive       No
AcsQuickInit       No                    SNMPSubagentPort   1521
SNMPSubagentHost             SNMPHeartBeatInt   5
TECHost                                  TECPort            0
Async I/O          No                    Direct I/O         Yes
SHAREDLIBIDLE      No                    3494Shared         Yes
Enable3590Library  Yes

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