> I already sent a post on that topic, with no valuable response, so I
re-post !
> Does anyone out here (from IBM or Tivoli) have information on  release
date for the AIX 5.1 64 bits TDP > for Informix client  ?
> I find it rather boring that people working hand in hand (IBM, Informix,
Tivoli) are not capable enough > to coordinate their software releases, so
that the customer can use it !
> I'm facing an annoying situation, where I have an Informix 64 bits
environment going productive, and no > way doing backups of the data !
> If anybody knows something, please give me information asap ...
> Many thanks in advance !


IBM knows about this request and is working on it.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Never cut what can be untied.
- Commit yourself to constant improvement.

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