Hi all - it's me again...

SP Model 9076 (1 Frame w/ 7 nodes)
AIX 4.3.3 ML8
P.S.S.P 3.2
ptfset 8
TSM 4.1.5

Currently our TSM database resides on mirrored EMC disks - I have been instructed to 
move TSM's database (yes, just the database) into the rootvg.  Does anyone have any 
ideas on how I can do this?

Also, and perhaps more importantly - our rootvg only has approx 2GB avail (I've been 
instructed to "reduce" /usr to give it another .5GB - but that's another story)...so 
when I get done we'll have approx 3GB free in rootvg...however, I think our TSM DB is 
too big for rootvg to begin with. ??  Could someone please review the enclosed info 
and let me know what you think?

Thanks in advance for your time;

Filesystem Info:
Filesystem    1024-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on  
/dev/hd4          1523712   1382308   10%     3457     1% /           
/dev/hd2          3637248    553124   85%    79072     9% /usr        

lsvg rootvg:  FREE PPs:       86 (1376 megabytes)  

q db info:

          Available Space (MB): 6,000
        Assigned Capacity (MB): 4,000
        Maximum Extension (MB): 2,000
        Maximum Reduction (MB): 1,304
             Page Size (bytes): 4,096
            Total Usable Pages: 1,024,000
                    Used Pages: 575,056
                      Pct Util: 56.2
                 Max. Pct Util: 58.6
              Physical Volumes: 3
             Buffer Pool Pages: 32,768
         Total Buffer Requests: 34,510,747
                Cache Hit Pct.: 98.87
               Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
           Backup in Progress?: No
    Type of Backup In Progress: 
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 35.52
            Percentage Changed: 1.58
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 08/21/02 09:40:14

q dbvol info:

Volume Name (Copy 1): /tivoli/db/dbb.dsm
         Copy Status: Sync'd
Volume Name (Copy 2): 
         Copy Status: Undefined
Volume Name (Copy 3): 
         Copy Status: Undefined
Available Space (MB): 2,000
Allocated Space (MB): 2,000
     Free Space (MB): 0

Volume Name (Copy 1): /tivoli/db/dbc.dsm
         Copy Status: Sync'd
Volume Name (Copy 2): 
         Copy Status: Undefined
Volume Name (Copy 3): 
         Copy Status: Undefined
Available Space (MB): 2,000
Allocated Space (MB): 0
     Free Space (MB): 2,000

Volume Name (Copy 1): /tivoli/db/dba.dsm
         Copy Status: Sync'd
Volume Name (Copy 2): 
         Copy Status: Undefined
Volume Name (Copy 3): 
         Copy Status: Undefined
Available Space (MB): 2,000
Allocated Space (MB): 2,000
     Free Space (MB): 0

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