Good stuff...thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: bbullock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: finding old filespaces from unix clients...

        As with most TSM commands, are a million ways to skin this cat. Here
is a sql query I use:

select node_name, Filespace_name, (current_timestamp-backup_end)days as
"days_since_backup" from filespaces where
cast((current_timestamp-backup_end) days as decimal) >=180 order by

        In my case, I only start to clean up the orphaned filesystems after
they have not had a backup in the last 180 day (thus the 180 in the
command). It gives me a listing of the node, the filespace and the number of
days since a backup on that filespace completed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cook, Dwight E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: finding old filespaces from unix clients...

I've noticed that if an entire filesystem is removed from a unix TSM client,
the environment (as a whole) will keep that data until manually purged.
I think this is OK/FINE/WHAT I WANT because you never know why an entire
filesystem has gone away (might just be varied offline, etc...)

but I still see obsolete data hanging on out there from 1998, 1999-ish so
what I've done is

select node_name,filespace_name as "filespace_name ",cast(backup_start as
varchar(10)) as bkupst, cast(backup_end as varchar(10)) as bkupend from
adsm.filespaces where cast(backup_end as varchar(7))<>'2002-09' > old_FS_out

or use ~where cast(backup_end as varchar(4))<>'2002'

this gives me a list of filesystems that I might manually purge after
further investigation.

just thought I'd pass this along.

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suite 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

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