Yes, it applies.  I had a presentation on it this week.  So, we have
mainframe, AIX, and HP now that provide the functionality.

Solaris, Windows, and Linux are a no as far as I know.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: McDonald, Rick LDB:EX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: BareMetalRestore

I don't know the precise definition of Bare Metal Restore but I believe that
HP's Ignite product qualifies.  With it you can create a bootable tape or
disk which can be used to restore your machine to the way it was before any

The tape can be created using the default definition or a configuration file
can be used to include/exclude different files/directories.

It can be used to perform a complete re-install of a system including all
configuration values, system parameters, and even 3'rd party software as
long as they are in the root volume group or the volume group that includes

An interactive install can even be done if you are restoring to a different
machine or you want to alter the size of the file-systems or change the IP

Whether it can be made to work with TSM, or IBM would be interested in
making it work with TSM are different questions entirely.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miles Purdy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: BareMetalRestore

Last time I checked TSM WORKED just fine. I'm sure if IBM wanted a BMR
product they would have one. I'm sure if IBM wanted to make a BMR product
for HP they could, but why would they? The mksysb process is a competitive
advantage for AIX.

Why should IBM make a BMR product for windows? Why doesn't microsoft?

just my 2 cents.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04-Sep-02 1:08:23 PM >>>
There has been a lot of discussion on bare metal restore with TSM and other
products. It seems we're all held hostage to purchase expensive products
that have this capability. Unfortunately in times like this we've all had
our budgets cut, at least I have, and would like our software vendors,
IBM/TIVOLI in this case, to make their products more robust. After all we do
send them maintenance money for software updates and expect the product to
get better.

I'm just wondering how serious IBM is about getting TSM to "WORK" with the
various OS software vendors, i.e. Microsoft, HP, Compaq, Sun and the like,
to find out what it takes to get it's product to do bare metal restores. If
TKG could make it work why can't IBM? Or don't these guys talk to each

My little rant for the day!!!!!
Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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