gotta be a's broke in my 4.2.X AIX server, too, but...

select device,device_type from drives

works, and

select device,element from drives

has device blank.....  WEIRD.....


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/19/02 09:13AM >>>
Something odd I noticed this morning about 4.2.x servers on AIX and

"query drive f=d"
"select * from drives"

Displays values in the Device field, whereas a

"select device from drives"

displays a blank device field.

This holds for on Solaris and 4.2.2.{patch of the day} on

I went back to an older server (3.x) on AIX, and a "select device from
drives"  shows the devices, as I expected.

Anyone else able to reproduce this?  Is this WAD or a new 'feature'?

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